2024 Season overall
- 22.11.2024
- enduro
Few details from 2024 Season overall – some facts from a life with the bikes! First riding day was 5.04, last 15.11. In total we had 146 riders in 41 groups (tours) from 11 different countries (Israel, Poland, Germany, Swiss, Russia, UK, Netherlands, Slovenia, Norway, Spain, Serbia). There were...
OFF ROAD PARTY 17.05 – 19.05
- 09.05.2024
- enduro
Pozdrav svima! Dobrodošli kod nas na sajt! Niže je info o događaju. Za prijave pišite na bilo koji kanal komunikacije nama, Marijani ili Dejanu Cuciću. Grupa HOBI Vodič: Da Dužina: cca 70 km Podloga: Šljunak i makadam (seoski, šumski i požarni putevi) Težina: lakši i pregledni off road tereni,...
Enduro Round Trip 2024
- 29.03.2024
- Adventure Bike, enduro
We invite to try Enduro Round Trip this year. It’s a 3 or 4 days adventure covering two mountains in Serbia. Difficulty level – medium, average day mileage varies from 70 – 100 km. The idea is to experience real adventure every minute on the 300 kms through the...
Summarizing 2023
- 29.11.2023
- enduro
Our first guests this year arrived on 2.04, last group finished 25.11. Quite a long and good season with lots of sunny days. Here follow few statistic details that might be of interest: – 154 guests from 7 different countries – approximately 60% came to riding school (mostly weekend...
- 02.10.2023
- enduro
РАСХОДЫ ВЛАДЕНИЯ А какая стоимость Эндуро в Сербии? Тут перечислены некоторые расходы которые помогут понять. Стоимость покупки самого моцика, бензина на его транспорт до места катания, стоимость прицепа, экипировки, аренды гаража и тп, я здесь не учитывал так как эти вещи индивидуальны и могут делиться между несколькими райдерами. Хоть...
Что надо знать о Эндуро в Сербии
- 01.10.2023
- enduro
В связи с большим количеством интересующихся приехавших из России, появилась необходимость составить некоторую напоминалку для желающих покататься на Эндуро в Сербии. У нас большой опыт в этой сфере и мы тут с вами поделимся некоторыми полезными фактами, понимание которых облегчит жизнь и нам и властям. Что тут есть: Легальность...
Secrets of Enduro Business
- 26.09.2022
- enduro
On October 7, we celebrate six years of rocking. Riding and party included of course. On that occasion, I’ve been thinking about what has made us doing well and having tours booked for a year ahead. Therefore, here are few main principles we’re stick to. Focus on riding Eventually...
Best riding time is coming!
- 22.08.2022
- enduro
What does Enduro rider think of when Autumn approaches? Yes, great grip, perfect working temperature, no tourists in mountains, kids are in school 🙂 Lots of groups scheduled for autumn, mostly intermediate riders from all around the world. Serbia is becoming more and more popular Enduro destination where nature...
Summer Enduro Season so far
- 13.07.2022
- enduro
Lots of riding lately. This season hasn’t had intermediate riders – only hard core and beginners. What I’ve been observing in last two years was rising number of riders coming to learn and practice. Which is, I must admit, very good. At the beginning of season, our garage got...
- 20.01.2022
- enduro
WHAT IS TRACTION? Well, I’d say that it is in the most underrated concept in off road riding. Understanding it sounds like one particular skill that could be trained, however, it requires some other abilities and experience, which is why traction control is so difficult to master. How rider...
- 20.01.2022
- enduro
First of all, it’s important to know our main rule – Safety on first place. We maintain the attitude that first you have to become safer rider in order to ride faster. Some may be disappointed but that’s the true about Motorcycles. Not very popular marketing approach today when...
Enduro as Adventure riding school
- 18.01.2022
- enduro
Hi everyone! I offer series of articles for Adv riders to assess. There are topics on difference between Enduro and Adventure bikes off road training approaches, advantages of learning on dirt bikes, main off road concepts of riding like balancing and traction, described through different situations and more. With...
Sector Enduro Serbia in 2021 & plan for 2022.
- 30.11.2021
- enduro
In October, we celebrated 5 years of rocking Enduro Tours. Interesting statistics will come soon. Now I want to share few words about plans and 2022 preparations. At the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020, we had 22 Enduro tours already booked and more were to be confirmed....
- 16.06.2021
- enduro
Started to edit video, some drone shoots, but then I decided that for this time could be more interesting just to show you how does the place we ride Enduro look like. Our friend and partner is pro and he uses 3 different drones for different actions. Take a...
- 27.03.2021
- Adventure Bike, enduro
In June we start new offer – West Serbia Off Road Adventure. Initially it was supposed to be a route for big adventure bikes like GS1200, 800, T7, KTM 790 or so, but after a year of planning and exploring, we finally made decision in favor of KTM Enduro...
- 28.01.2021
- enduro
In previous two articles we shared our experience on how to: get know the group you guide properly set the order of riders in it properly roll them in riding new destination establish leadership for making their tour safe, exciting and quite educational. So, suppose we have more than...
- 25.01.2021
- enduro
Here comes another one about who’s chief in the woods 🙂 So, now we know few crucial things about every rider in the group we guide: Riding skills Fitness level Personality As mentioned above, all this allow us to correctly choose warm up, riders order in a group, tracks...
- 21.01.2021
- enduro
What it’s like to be an Enduro Guide? That’s the question I’m asked by riders on almost every tour. Usually Enduro companies are small teams doing what they like the most – ride. But not only riding means guiding, there is much more. There are some listed: Marketing Talking...
- 19.11.2020
- enduro
OFF ROAD OBUKA Kao sto je prethodno bilo najavljeno, nasa obuka se sa planina spusta u Beograd. Pocinjemo sa rezervacijama od danas a sa SVAKODNEVNIM treninzima od 23.11.2020. Metodologiju smo koncipirali tako da ne samo da pocetnika nauci osnovama OFF ROAD VOZNJE, nego i da mu znacajno poboljsa motoriku...
- 14.11.2020
- enduro
October is most likely best time for Enduro in Serbia. Very rare and short rains, temperature keeps between 15 and 25 degrees, grass lays down and everything around become yellow and red. Grip is perfect, rivers still low enough, everything contributes to great riding. Put MItas EF07(one green line...
- 13.09.2020
- enduro
Finally found time to seat down and edit huge pile of GoPro enduro material. Rides were mostly expert leveled, and shots were from the helmet. If we consider the fact that August is always green and with the sun high all the day, we get the videos where everything...
End on August summary
- 22.08.2020
- enduro
Since air transport has been unavailable so far, all our guests from abroad traveled by cars or vans all the way from their countries: – two groups from Poland – one from Belgium – one from Czech – one from Holland – one from Russia – one from Bosnia...
2020 Season so far
- 09.06.2020
- enduro
It’s been long time since I wrote something here. In the beginning of 2020, we had already more than 20 tours booked and dozen in process of negotiation. New TPI 2020 bikes were ordered, few school ones were fully dismantled and in preparation for season, in a word, we...
Adventure bike tours all over the Balkans
- 22.01.2020
- Adventure Bike
I’ve been thinking and waiting for right moment to get in Adventure bike tours project for few years already. If Sector Enduro tours project could be referred to my passion for Hard Enduro and intensive physical activities, this Adventure project has grown more like conscious decision after years of...
What’s new for 2020 season?
- 02.01.2020
- enduro
It’s become a tradition to write down thoughts and wishes every December just before it knocks New Year. Lots from the 2019 list written here https://sectorenduro.com/2019/01/ we actually put in life. Some we outdid. Few things changed along with strategy initially planned: We adjourned start of our new project...
KTM EXC and BMW GS ride!
- 04.10.2019
- enduro
I’ve been thinking and cooking for a few years the thoughts about showing Serbia even more – not only rocky creeks, vertical uphills and other Hard loved Enduro stuff but the other places as well which are more than worth to see and experience. So, my friends accepted invitation to...
- 05.09.2019
- enduro
Today I’ll share with you experience on what you should have already got before jumping into all this Enduro stuff and what are the basic exercises we recommend regardless of beginner or intermediate rider you are. It’s always funny to watch all those crazy Enduro and Hard Enduro fails...
Riding school article #1 – “Must know” list for proper entering the Enduro world
- 03.09.2019
- enduro
Already written an article about what influence has Enduro riding on road and especially Adv riding and maybe it’s useful to read it somehow https://sectorenduro.com/big-adventure-bikes-skill-improvement/ It was few years ago, and now we got more experience in coaching and teaching people off road and Hard Enduro riding. Things I’m...
Enduro Krzeszowice Team & Sector Enduro Serbia
- 21.08.2019
- enduro
One of the most famous #enduro crew in the world – Enduro Krzeszowice Team – and definitely best known for their crazy videos, rode with us this spring😜. We expected that it was going to be fun, but they outperformed everything! 🙂 Just remember, that if you didn’t make till the end...
Enduro Round Trip (lot of photos)
- 23.06.2019
- enduro
Week ago we successfully finished this year’s most demanding Enduro tour. Exactly a week, that’s the time we needed to recover 🙂 Ten (10) riders from Norway were our guests for seven amazing days. This tour was different from it’s beginning – our negotiations started more then year and...
Round Trip, Tara & Zlatibor Mountains (Video Inside)
- 27.05.2019
- enduro
In the end of April we had 4 riders from Russia and Germany on our Round Tip. First day we had enduro school skill check, and the other 3 days were for trip itself. We connected all we considered worth of seeing on these two mountains which are actually...
Final Preps for 2019
- 03.04.2019
- enduro
Few days ago we got second and last load of 3 KTM TPI bikes. All protection gear had been ordered much before bikes were supposed to arrive but sometimes God has other plans, so the delivery was delayed and scheduled for the same days as 3 last bikes. And...
Enduro Tours Romania vs Enduro Tours Serbia Part 4
- 22.03.2019
- enduro
I think four parts of writing about this subject (Enduro Tours Romania vs Enduro Tours Serbia) are quite enough. Actually, this was kind of thinking aloud. Maybe some information could be useful once! So lets get summarizing all this, if it is possible 🙂 Enduro tours in Romania have...
Few words why Enduro Round Trip Adventure is Best Seller
- 20.03.2019
- enduro
Since the end 2016 we had only few groups of Enduro Experts who came not to ride as much as to train hard. All our other guests were either intermediate or beginners in Hard Enduro. So, it came that people were mostly coming for good time and to have...
Enduro Tours in Romania vs Enduro Tours in Serbia Part 3
- 06.03.2019
- enduro
Part 3 Well, yes, there are differences between riding Enduro in Romania and Serbia. But, no matter how hard I tried to evaluate and sort them out, the fact still stays the same. Definitely, Enduro in Romania is like one big Enduro party, or even more – like one...
Sector Enduro sunny rides from 2018 🙂
- 06.03.2019
- enduro
This video is compilation from October and November 2018. We had guests From Sweden, France, Russia and Spain. Tours hard and lite Enduro, 3 & 4 days. All tours were held on Tara mountain on EXC 450, 300, 350, HUsaberg 350 and TPI 300 & 250.
Just cool video from last ride 2018
- 05.03.2019
- enduro
This ride was on November 2018. Actually, this is second part of Enduro Round Trip Adventure route tracing and checking. I’m sure that this track deserves to be most exciting and adventurous one so far. It consists of semi-hard sections, lots of panoramic and scenery places, rivers, mountain ridges...
Enduro in Romania vs Enduro in Serbia Part 2
- 03.03.2019
- enduro
Part 2 So, in the Part 1 I was trying to be clever “Enduro bloger” with some topics on Riding Enduro in Romania vs Riding it in Serbia 🙂 Choice of Enduro Tours companies in Romania is actually huge. However, main locations are around Arad and Sibiu, which are...
Enduro in Romania vs Enduro in Serbia Part 1
- 03.03.2019
- enduro
I was just thinking about our advantages and limitations comparing to Romania Enduro tours companies and generally riding Enduro in Romania. Actually, I think about that all the time 🙂 I carefully watch over the lot of Enduro Tours companies in Romania, Bulgaria and Greece by following them on...
KTM TPI 2019 arrival at Sector Enduro
- 03.03.2019
- enduro
Ten days ago the load of 4 new KTM EXC TPI bikes arrived. To say that I was happy is to say nothing 🙂 It took some time to unpack them from wooden cage, mount front wheel and fender, change muffler, head light, hand protection. Then the “first time”...
Happy faces from 2018
- 05.02.2019
- enduro
Freezing and snowy February makes me stay at home and do some things like planning, calculating, exploring new Enduro tracks and places on Google Earth, negotiating on new accommodations.. Searching through my galleries I selected few shots with happy faces and just look at them 🙂 That’s how happiness...
2019 To Do list
- 07.01.2019
- enduro
Was thinking about writing something useful and clever, but nothing came 🙂 And I decided that I’ll fix the “2019 To Do” list here, without preparations, just like that and come back to it at some CP 🙂 So, here it is: finally confess that THIS is my real...
100% Action by expert group guided by Dusan Blagojevic (video)
- 05.12.2018
- enduro
Just a few minutes of pure action captured by our Pro guide Dusan Blagojevic. We all know that camera can’t show you how steep are downhills or uphills, neither how fast you ride those narrow forest trails. But you can watch all that nature and listen to beautiful sound...
Russian riders made a video for us 🙂
- 04.12.2018
- enduro
Mihail and Nikolai rode with Sector Enduro Serbia in November. Nikolai was beginner but as he was in good shape and listenning to me carefully, so he rode good Enduro tracks on second day already. It’s always interesting to see how the others see their adveenture with us…. And...
MX crew from France first time in Enduro
- 22.11.2018
- enduro
4 just amazing days with Ellies and Dorian 🙂 Great MX riders were dead after few hours in woods 🙂 They accepted my appologizes for not prepared track high in the mountains 🙂 I appreciated the way they were listenning to me and learning fast, so the last 2...
Short footage from exploring, November 2018 (video)
- 09.11.2018
- enduro
Few more minutes from our last exploring ride. Tornik ridge, Uvac and absolutely unreal Dubrava monastery, ancient pine woods. All this in best enduro offer ever – Enduro Adventure Round Trip. Exshausting ride, but non-stop stunning sceenes and places. Accommodation in authentic households.
Round Trip tracing – my best riding ever (photos)
- 09.11.2018
- enduro
Actually, we finished main route more then month ago, but there were few places where alternative had to be found. So, few days ago, Dusan and me started from Tornik (Zlatibor mountain) and followed GPX that I had drawn before. I thought that there should be some safe place...
Round trip tracks
- 24.10.2018
- enduro
We connected few more places with hard and lite connections again. First we draw em in Google Earth roughly, then check em in Mountains. Most interesting part is when we explore hard connections and we do it together usually. And I can fairly say that this’ll be most exciting...
Video from exploring the new tracks on new Epic destination
- 27.09.2018
- enduro
We’ve just finished exploring part of mountain Zlatibor as a new destination. Lots of new kms of hard and classic enduro on altitudes between 600 and 1400m. Check the short video for fun 🙂
Enduro voznje i obuka na Tari i Zlatiboru
- 29.08.2018
- enduro
Sectorenduro je samo za nase trziste poceo da organizuje jednodnevne Enduro voznje na trkackim KTM, Husaberg i Husqvarna motorima na Tari i Zlatiboru. Voznja podrazumeva obuku od 1,5h i off-road do 16-00. Trekovi su uglavnom sumski putevi manje ili nikako odrzavani 🙂 Sumarno predjemo oko 90 km. Usput treniramo...
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