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Enduro in Romania vs Enduro in Serbia Part 2

Part 2

So, in the Part 1 I was trying to be clever “Enduro bloger” with some topics on Riding Enduro in Romania vs Riding it in Serbia 🙂

Choice of Enduro Tours companies in Romania is actually huge. However, main locations are around Arad and Sibiu, which are 80% of all destinations. Arad is nice Romanian city and Enduro riding goes in the mountains with altitude up to 650 m which is not too high.

Now, argument in favor of Romania – Sibiu has an international airport and that fact instantly solves one of the subjects in negotiation process with riders – how long it takes to get to accommodation and arrival beer? As for the flights prices they vary and sometimes are quite low. But not all season.

And here we get to one of subjects which could be actually considered as our advantage. And that subject is season duration. Snow on Tara and Zlatibor melts down at the end of February, mostly even earlier, and temperatures get high enough for riding at the same time.

Riding Enduro in Romania is strongly tied with rains and snow, which are issue quite often. Snow comes to Transilvania Alps (Sibiu companies) in mid-October and sometimes even earlier while the Enduro riding in Serbia goes until the end of November and even in December.

That’s because we are southern and our mountains are not as huge and humid as Carphatian, but still are high quite enough – up to 1600m, which is perfect for Enduro trails.

End of Part 2.

Next will be about what influence to service quality has the fact that we are new and we have the Romania Enduro Tours companies as neighbors  🙂

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